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The Lions Australia Spinal Cord Fellowship (LASCF) is a Lions Australia Category B project sponsored by District 201V3 and managed by the Lions Club of Traralgon Inc.
LASCF is all about Lions raising Funds to help StepAhead (Stepahead.org.au)
Australia find the elusive therapy for chronic spinal cord injury – those
people suffering traumatic spinal cord injury and currently confined to a
life in a wheelchair and depending on others for the basics of life.
Funds raised are given to the Fellowship holders through StepAhead
Australia. The money is used to fund salaries and equipment.
Around 12,000 people in Australia today have a spinal cord injury (SCI).
350 to 400 new cases are recorded each year.
Transport-related injuries account for the majority of spinal cord injuries in Australia.
Spinal cord injuries were most frequent in 15-24 year old age group (accounting for 30%)
The Spinal Cord Fellowship project has set a target for the current Lions year of $150,000 in donations from the Lions and Lioness Clubs of Australia. With research forging ahead, we are keen to achieve the $150,000 goal or more this year. Please see the Research page for further information.
Please note the Fellowship is now being managed by the Lions Club of Traralgon and all correspondence should be forwarded to them at PO Box 203, Traralgon, Vic, 3844.
Now if every club in Australia donated just $200, how easy would our target be?Why not hold a special Fundraising event just for the Fellowship? Whether it be a BBQ, Boot Sale, Fun Run, or any other event that excites your imagination - why not HAVE A GO.
If you want to give metal recycling a go, we have an arrangement with Sims Metal Management. Take your ring-pulls, cans or any old metal to your local Sims Metal Management depot and quote one of the following account numbers to donate directly to LASCF: